Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Stay On The Course

From reading this morning's devotional entitled, "Do Not Quit!" to listening to a conference call from my sis in Christ, to reading several quotes and scriptures alluding to the notion of not quitting and finally a heart to heart conversation with my co-worker this evening, God has constantly spoken to my spirit, telling me to not faint and grow weary in well doing. Lord knows I'm in another season of tests and trials. Every second, minute, and hour of the day, it's a constant battle to fight, die to oneself, and fulfill God's purpose in my life. As I grow more in Christ, the battles will not stop. It is a battle that's worth the tears, rejection, tired days, good days, bad days, and in-between days.  Throughout it all I have to remind myself that God's grace is allowing me to get up and continue to serve Him. It's not my strength. He is my strength.  I am nothing without Him. Who am I to forget that? I have to stay on course and focused. He is my Source, Sustainer, and Peace. I can do all things through Him. Phil 4:13. For anybody that is reading this, remember when you are going through a storm in your life, you are "passing through it ", to get to the other side. Pain+Process=Purpose

God bless.

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