Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Girl in The Picture

Today as I was scrolling through my Instagram feed, I noticed a post from my sis Erica Fitzpatrick who is over the ministry Daughter Of A King. It was a challenge for any woman to find a photo from her past and post it with a brief story of the picture with the hashtag #TheGirlInThePicture. When I read it, I instantly decided to find a picture and post the following:

#TheGirlInThePicture was 22 years old in her last year of college at Albany State University. It was Spring 2008 and she was on her way to church with some family. What most people don't know is this same girl was still dealing with pain and hurt from her past. She moved on campus to escape the bondage she was dealing with at home, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. She numbed her pain Mon-Sat by clubbing, staying up late, and finding validation in friends while occasionally attending church on Sunday. She hated being by herself. Since 1998(8th grade), she battled anxiety after her parents separated and eventually divorced. Writing in her journal was her saving grace at the time. In 2005(sophomore year in college)her anxiety turned into social anxiety which caused her to not sleep at night(she purposely stayed up to avoid nightmares), bad eating habits(eating too less or overeating), depression, and just fearful of life and anything good happening for her. She believed every negative word spoken over her and all that she was seeing around her. Her relationship with her mother wasn't the best and her relationship with her father resurfaced in Jan. 2008. After graduating in Fall 2008, she moved away to Atlanta and was still carrying alot which affected her relationships with others, especially women. She thought dating would help, but that was another void filler which made things worse. It was in 2009 when she allowed Christ to be Lord over her life that things began to change for her from her friendships, family, to her whole outlook on life. She's failed a few times since then and fell off the path in some areas but she got back up. She's more wiser and has more insight on what it truly means to be a Christian and woman of God. Looking back, she knows that everything happens for a reason. She's determined to stay on this journey until the end. I pray that this blesses my beautiful sisters♡♡♡. #DaughterOfAKing#SpeakForTheSilenced #Unashamed#MyStoryForHisGlory

After writing it, I posted it via my Instagram as well as my facebook page. Within minutes, I received numerous comments about what I shared and how it blessed each individual. It was a testament to how bad things work out for our good to bless others. It was encouraging to know that others needed to read what I went through. It's freeing for them as well as the person who experienced it. I pray that anyone who reads this is equally blessed and encouraged by these words.

God bless,


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